To get to know you better and to provide you with an even better service, we will ask and collect personal data from you on a sporadic basis. However we do take care of this information and we will always watch over your privacy. We are happy to explain to you how we collect this data and why we do this. You can be sure of it, everything happens smoothly, safely and transparently.
Would you like to bid online or receive our newsletters? We do need your data to be able to lend you these service. We also use your data to strengthen our offers.
We would like to communicate openly on what we will be doing with your data. We will keep you posted on a timely matter on which data exactly we collect and why we use them transparently.
The security of your private information is important to us. We will keep your information in a safe environment and we only work with companies who can provide us enough guarantees in safeguarding your information.
You are always and anywhere boss of your own data. You can look into your personal information and adjust them where necessary or even delete them.
To Whom do I need to address myself for further questions or any complaints related to Privacy?
If you still have a question related to our Privacy policy, please send an email to and we will be happy to respond.